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'Kırmızı' Nazmi Akyıldız

00:00 / 03:47

His Story

Born on 18thNovember 1971 and raised in Germany, he started to play drums at in a schoolband. In 1987, living at this moment in Istanbul, he created his own band called Violet.

This singer-songwriter can play the guitar, drums, keyboard and compose.

About The Name

« 'Kırmızı', which iz the Turkish word 4 'Red', and I uze it 2gether with my 'real' name: 'Kırmızı' Nazmi Akyıldız, and choze kRasNi siRius az sort of more 'international' name;

kRasNi meanz Red in Russian, and I waz uzing 'krasnimeanzred' already az a uzername on internet, and why Russian, bcuz I'm a child of the 80'z and there we had this 'ColdWar', and I choze 'krasnimeanzred' there4 az some kind of symbolical message of Dialog.

And why siRius, bcuz my lastname Akyıldız meanz BrightStar in Turkish, and that'z how the ancient Turkz called the star Sirius, which iz known az the brightest star in the sky. »

-kRaSNi siRius-

Influences Musicales

Prince, D.Bowie, PinkFloyd, TheBeatles, MikeOldfield and others, even though he never tried to sound like anyone else.


"We must unite az #OnlyThePeople, without letting interfere any politicianz or political partiez, 2 focus on a #TotalBoycottWorldwide, in a #NonviolentCivilDisobedience mode, 2 then focus on a tranzition in2 an #OnlineDirectDemocracy, where no politicianz or political partiez, but #ONLYtheISSUEZ will be voted."

-kRaSNi siRius-

« Have my own original but not officially registered 'label' brand called TRiP3Art, which standz 4 "Turkia Istanbul PurplePeacePower-Angelz radio+tv", which iz a project of mine since like older than 25 yearz, but iz still only a humble blog: »

-kRaSNi siRius-


-Bu Kollegas – Beraber – 1982 (Single).
-Bu Kollegas - Reiß mir die farblose Haut – 1982 (Single).

-ÖL O ZAMAN – 1987 (Single).

-HAKKIN ÖZüNE DΩĞRU – 1996 (Single).

-InsTRueMental P7Funkrock – 2003 (Single).

-ASLINDA – 2003 (Single).

-SüRüNGEN – 2004 (Single).


-KOPOTO – 2006 (Single).

-B.B. & O.H. & K.N.A. - Umudun Dağında – 2008 (Single).

-Red Black Project - Lillith'i Beklerken (Waitin' 4 Lillith) – 2009 (Single).

-spoNTaNouz coLLecTiVe impRovizaTioN – (NuYear'zEve'09-'10) – 2009/10 (Single).

-LiPOSUCTiON iz SELF-DESTRUCTiON – (NuYear'zEve'09-'10) – 2009/10 (Single).

-DüPEDüZ – (NuYear'zEve'09-'10) – 2009/10 (Single).

-VE BU OYUN BiTMELi – (NuYear’zEve’09-’10) – 2009/10 (Single).

-ACÂYiP KEYiFLi 1 GüN – (NuYear'zEve'09-'10) – 2009/10 (Single).

-IRMAK (ft. Gurur Ardan) – 2010 (Single).

-KiN TUTAR – 2010 (Single).

-Moments ~ Jerome Brailey & Mutiny (instrumental) – 2010 (Single).

-MiLYΩNLAR ARASINDA – 2012 (Single).


« Not really, am in a boycott mode since yearz, actually… »

-kRaSNi siRius-


« Not really, am in a boycott mode since yearz, actually… »

-kRaSNi siRius-

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